Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Farmer Gets a Smartphone

There are things in all of our lives we picture never happening, like going to the moon or owning an airplane. More often than not we are surprised by what life hands us. For me this came in the form of a smartphone.

My parents when they came this fall to visit!
The surprises all started a few years ago when my dad mentioned he wanted to use the internet to find a new pitching machine to put in the shop for my brother. So being the good daughter I am, I taught him a few tricks on the computer, which was harder than I thought! From there it just escalated. A year or so later he learned to send a text message. Now fast forward a couple years to the present. This Christmas, my parents purchased an iPad. Yet again my dad got the hang of it quickly.

What happened next probably surprised me the most; my dad got a smartphone. Not just any smartphone, an all touch screen, 4G smartphone. With that he also set up an email account! My dad having an email? SAY WHAT?!

Thinking about it now, none of this should shock me. My dad, a farmer, is one of the smartest people I know. He has taught himself, along with the help of my uncles and grandpa, everything he knows. He uses tools every day that are way more sophisticated than a smartphone or iPad. In both his tractor and combine, there are touch screen computers that monitor and operate the machines. He also uses a GPS system that maps the fields out to assist in the planting and harvesting of crops. Along with those, he uses many more pieces of technology I could only dream of understanding.

Since getting his smartphone and email, my dad has been very crafty and put them to use in everyday life. Just the other day I caught him (see below) using it to find a diagram to assist him when wiring new lights in our shop!

His smartphone is action!


  1. This is great Paige!

  2. A very nice article Paige. Now uncle Mark needs to just get a little more savvy like his brother on these devices. Love Aunt Lorie

  3. This is excellent Paige! You dad is way aheady of me...I don't even carry a cell phone...yet!?!?!?!?!

    Tom Zimmer
